Wednesday, May 23, 2012
"Sway" (sample) (August, 2012).
The full track is available on the Paragaté album Spaceflight Pharmacology.
I don't specifically remember writing this piece. It was dug out of the sketch book months after it was originally made (it was probably a slightly-edited improvisation to begin with). I set out to work on it, but it would not be fiddled with, and I decided it was finished as it stood.
The full track is available on the Paragaté album Spaceflight Pharmacology.
I don't specifically remember writing this piece. It was dug out of the sketch book months after it was originally made (it was probably a slightly-edited improvisation to begin with). I set out to work on it, but it would not be fiddled with, and I decided it was finished as it stood.