Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Canzone 23

"Canzone 23" (September, 2015)

Cosí lungo l'amate rive andai,
che volendo parlar, cantava sempre
mercé chiamando con estrania voce;
né mai in sí dolci o in sí soava tempre
risonar seppi gli amorosi guai,
che 'l cor s'umilïasse aspro et feroce.

So I went along a pleasant stream
and wishing to speak I found I always sang,
calling for mercy in a strange voice,
but never making my loving sorrows echo
in so sweet or in so soft a mode
as to make that harsh and savage heart relent.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

With Melodious Voice

The new Paragaté album With Melodious Voice is now available for download on Bandcamp.

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About Me

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Boston, Massachusetts, United States
I live near Boston, and compose mostly postminimal and ambient electronic music. I often collaborate with Tim Risher, as part of Tim's project Paragaté.

Music by me, Tim, and Paragaté can be found on the Camerata Music page.


All music and images are copyrighted. All rights reserved, except where otherwise indicated.