Tuesday, October 1, 2019

9.13.19 Untitled - piano roll video

A piano roll video of the previous post. This piece makes me think of the friend who introduced me both to medieval isorhythmic motets, and the music of Conlon Nancarrow.

Friday, September 13, 2019

9.13.19 Untitled

An excerpt from a work in progress. (September 13, 2019)

Friday, July 19, 2019

7.19.19 Untitled

An excerpt from a work in progress. (July 19, 2019)

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

If I Told Him

Very early Paragaté, based on a reading by Gertrude Stein of her poem, "If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso". "If I Told Him" Tim Risher, Ted Stanley & Tom DePlonty (1988).

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About Me

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Boston, Massachusetts, United States
I live near Boston, and compose mostly postminimal and ambient electronic music. I often collaborate with Tim Risher, as part of Tim's project Paragaté.

Music by me, Tim, and Paragaté can be found on the Camerata Music page.


All music and images are copyrighted. All rights reserved, except where otherwise indicated.