Saturday, November 30, 2013


"Stimby" Tim Risher & Tom DePlonty (November, 2013).

Sunday, November 10, 2013


"Egypt" (November, 2013). A movement from Blake Pieces, music based on William Blake's Book of Urizen.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Batteries not included

"Batteries not included" Tim Risher & Tom DePlonty (November, 2013)

Footnote to Blake

"Footnote to Blake" (November, 2013)

Not exactly part of the Blake Pieces - a little fragment thrown off by them. For Marco Lucchi's M/Orpheus music project.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Friday, November 1, 2013

Skrtic reviewed by Hypnagogue

DePlonty always has interesting things to say in his music, and I am always willing to listen - even if I can be a little tentative at first.
Hypnagogue Reviews on Music for Michael Skrtic.
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About Me

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Boston, Massachusetts, United States
I live near Boston, and compose mostly postminimal and ambient electronic music. I often collaborate with Tim Risher, as part of Tim's project Paragaté.

Music by me, Tim, and Paragaté can be found on the Camerata Music page.


All music and images are copyrighted. All rights reserved, except where otherwise indicated.