Friday, January 11, 2013

Letter and Word

"Letter and Word" (January, 2013). The fifth in a series of pieces for my friend Michael Skrtic.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Spaceflight reviewed by Arditi

Whatever it is that floats your boat musically, unless that happens to be a generic sense of familiarity, this album should have something to offer; it’s intelligent, creative, innovative, rigorous, probing, and above all generous.
Oliver Arditi's review of Spaceflight Pharmacology.
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About Me

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Boston, Massachusetts, United States
I live near Boston, and compose mostly postminimal and ambient electronic music. I often collaborate with Tim Risher, as part of Tim's project Paragaté.

Music by me, Tim, and Paragaté can be found on the Camerata Music page.


All music and images are copyrighted. All rights reserved, except where otherwise indicated.