Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Two pieces for Marco Lucchi

"Two pieces for Marco Lucchi" (March, 2012). Marco is another composer on the Auraltone Music label, and an on-line friend. He's recently composed several sets of pieces where one acoustic track (like a short piano piece) provides the source material for the others, which process the source electronically in different ways. I've had my own go at the same idea here.

Two pieces for Marco Lucchi - 1

Two pieces for Marco Lucchi - 2

Friday, March 9, 2012

Where to Find Food

"Where to Find Food" (sample) Tim Risher & Tom DePlonty (March, 2012).

Because calling it "My Life in the Bush of Rush" would have been, well, just gross. This track appears on the album The World Above Us.

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About Me

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Boston, Massachusetts, United States
I live near Boston, and compose mostly postminimal and ambient electronic music. I often collaborate with Tim Risher, as part of Tim's project Paragaté.

Music by me, Tim, and Paragaté can be found on the Camerata Music page.


All music and images are copyrighted. All rights reserved, except where otherwise indicated.